All those interested in literary translation are faced with many challenges that it
poses as well as to the alternative strategies which characterize it. Should they opt
for a strategy of ""FOREIGNAZATION"" by giving great importance to the letter and the
culture of the original text, and therefore keep all its foreignness in the translated
Or rather should they opt for ""DOMESTICATION"" strategy by giving more importance
to the sense, to the message intended by the author, to the detriment of the letter
and the original culture?
This research aims at investigating the strategy adopted by translators, FAIZA AND
GILES LADKANY in their translation of the novel ""le cortège des vivants, KHAN ALKHALILI
of Naguib Mahfouz"" by raising the following problematic:
How have they translated the literary text?
In other words, what is the strategy that they adopted in their translation of the
Have they opted for a strategy which attaches much importance to the letter and the
culture of the original text, and keeps all its strangeness in the translated text?
Or have they instead chosen to give more importance to the sense, the message
intended by the author, to the detriment of the letter and the culture of the original
text? And what are translation techniques and procedures that they used to achieve
this or that strategy?
After this modest analysis, we came to the following conclusions:
- Their translation has wavered between the two strategies.
- They opted more for a strategy of ""FOREIGNIZATION"" especially when it comes to
transfer social and material specificities absent in French culture by using procedures
as Borrowing, Transliteration or literal translation.
- They have not ruled out the use of procedures of ""DOMESTICATION"" in certain
situations especially when it comes to idiomatic expressions.
-They have, for the sake of making the version accessible to French readers, used the
equivalence, modulation, and transposition, especially when it comes to translate
some expressions , Qur'anic verses and sociolinguistic images
-Through the analysis of selected examples, we came across some translation errors
especially when it comes to religious specificities as in the translation of certain
Qur'anic verses, images and idioms what may harm at the source text and may make
sometimes the understanding of the meaning difficult in the target text.
- A successful translation is always the result of a marriage between
FOREIGNIZATION and DOMESTICATION procedures that can seem at first glance,
opposing and excluding each other, quite the reverse, they are fully compatible.