Translation is the language of the world; it is the main catalyst for
development (Baghdad, Rome, Toledo ..) as well as acculturation
movement between peoples and civilizations. Today, we are witnessing an
unprecedented boom of translation. The accumulation of knowledge
translation as well as the complexity of this field presents a key challenge
facing all translatologist and any practitioner of translation.
We hardly need to prove the difficulties confined into literary translation.
The latter is considered as the most difficult translations behind that
concerning the sacred text. Issues of literary translation are numerous and
evolving , namely entropy (Ladmiral) untranslatability , dichotomies .. but
the most important for the translator is to argue these choices away from
ideological and sociocultural tendentious considerations, a goal that can
only be hoped through a serious and comprehensive ethics of translation;
that's why our interest is strongly oriented to Antoine Berman ,indeed,
ethics is the cornerstone of all bermanienne theory both in terms of
traductive that critical operation. The principles of ethics in this context
affect not only the act of translation itself, but also the language, culture
and human communication in general. Thus, the ethics of translation is
expressed by his ambition to stand as universalized and act as cultural and
civilizational need.
Henri Meschonnic considers that ethics of translation is an “emergency”.
He explains in depth the need in his book «Ethics and politics of
translation."" Indeed all the experience he has accumulated in studies on
translation was appear that this idea of an ethics of translation usually
remains implicit. His lieu is customary moralizing, as the translation
teaches, according to any ethics. But deontology, basic and necessary, is