The national plan of agricultural development constitutes an important phase toward the Algerian agriculture liberalization. The sustaining program applied to help the production unities of public sector was replaced by a national plan of agricultural development. This plan proposes a new rapport between man and soil based on:
- A new organization of agricultural sector: formation of a dual framework structure similar to the liberal economic countries one.
- The Agricultural chamber represents producer’s associations and decides the agricultural development actions.
The agriculturals services administration ASA. Streers and controles the programs of agricultural révalorization.
The use and management of agricultural area is must strict the agricultural zoning
established by the efficient members of the agricultural services administration, determined the better affectation in each area.
A consequential sustenance’s and helps are given to the agriculturists who practice the intensive culture programs important financial tools are delivered and managed by the FNRDA.
This research work proposes:
- Deep analysis of aims of PNDA by using an attentive reading of all stipulations and texts which govern the new agricultural policy.
The PNDA’s application in Constantine (district) wilaya is based to define:
Analysis criteria (fellahs level participation, superficies concerned, sustained branches)The analysis levels (exploitation, municipalities, wilaya district)
The results permitted to measure the social and économic impact of this policy.