بوشامة, ليديا; شراد, صلاح الدين(Université Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, 2022-12-19)
This research studies the problematic of the dynamics of the rural plain areas located in the northeastern coastal states Through the case of plain Annaba, skikda and Jijel , Which is an important laboratory for examining ...
The urban setting in numerous cities grapples with visual pollution, stemming from diverse causes and appearances that mar the city's visual appeal and aesthetics, where the value attributed to the urban landscape varies ...
The present work aims to study the interactions between urban forms and forms of mobility in the Constantine grouping. Through a theoretical approach based on a synthesis of research works related to the theme, and according ...
The Mafragh river basin is located in the extreme North-East of Algeria, one of the most watered regions of Algeria. Faced with climate changes and growing competition between users, the challenge of mobilization, management ...
فارح, محمد إقبال; محرزي, محمد كمال الدين(Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2023-05-09)
This research examines the problem of demographic and spatial differences in terms of equipment in the wilaya of Constantine and the reorganization of space. Since this wilaya includes human resources and various equipment ...
The urban fabric deserves to be questioned in its plurality. Indeed, it has been approached from
the angle of planning urbanism and/or project urbanism. Although they have already been
identified as research objects, ...
The phenomenon of urbanization underwent profound changes just after independence in 1962. The country was then characterised by an urban structure dominated by the class of large cities such as Algiers, Oran, Constantine ...
This work revolves around the objectives of developing hydroponics and evaluating the efficiency
of irrigation water use (WUE) at the level of seven (7) Great Irrigated Perimeters (GIP) located in
North-Eastern Algeria: ...
Water erosion presents a natural risk those results primarily from the fragility of the
environment and the anarchic socialization of the slopes. Currently, it is the leading cause of
degradation of water resources. It ...
The phenomenon of climate change, the causes of which are now known, can manifest
itself in prolonged periods of drought, with adverse effects on the hydrological cycle, the
environment and socio-economic activities. It ...
This research is concerned with the contribution of deep knowledge of Algerian hydrology,
throughout the example of a large, physically contrasted basin in eastern Algeria, formed by
the Rhumel and Endja wadis. These two ...
The study of transport in MES in this work was conducted on the watershed of the Isser
wadi and its tributaries (Central Algeria). It is based on MES flow and concentration chronicles,
reconstructed from low-frequency ...
The growth in water needs is through rapid population change, industrial
development and extension of agriculture. Northern Algeria experienced variability in annual
rainfall during the 20th century. This variability was ...
The present study purports to analyze the strategy of developing and reviving rural areas through economic activities, valorization of natural resources and the establishment of new relations between public and private ...
The urban dynamics in Algeria have known over a course of nearly four decades all-round transformations following a galloping demography and unprecedented migratory movements, these phenomena have been translated differently ...
Since independence, Algeria seeks to meet local needs of the rural population. It worked to find local and rural programs that contribute to the dynamic of the field and to put an end to immigration and to stabilize the ...
Concerning the succeed of various kind of developement and with its differ forms is a population hope which governement work on to make it a truth by making different sectors that can participate to growthen production, ...
The national plan of agricultural development constitutes an important phase toward the Algerian agriculture liberalization. The sustaining program applied to help the production unities of public sector was replaced by a ...