Our work tried to study the water duality, that is, the mobilization and the use
of the superficial waters and their impact on the underground waters in the basin
pouring, the Mafragh, situated in the extreme Algerian Northeast and being part of
one of the most important hydrographic basins of Algeria (basin pouring some
inshore Constantinois-Est).
The problem of this region, very rich in water, arises a lot more in terms of
mobilization and mastery of the resource that in terms of availability.
The problematic of this research articulated around a certain number of
questions and its goal is to give elements of answer:
* What will the impact of the use of a resource be in relation to the other
(superficial waters and underground waters)?
* How is it necessary to orient the politics of management and the use of water
in the region of Annaba / El-Tarf?
* How to answer the needs constantly increasing, of the different sectors to the
different terms?
The answer to these three fundamental questions passed by a survey and an
analysis of the components of the hydro-system of the basin pouring in order to
understand the working of its hydrological cycle.
- This invoice includes two parts:
The first, has been dedicated to the natural features of the basin pouring, in
order to determine the impact of every element of the physical environment on the
abundance of the resource in water of surface and underground.
The second as for it, has been dedicated to the assessment of resources in
superficial and underground waters, to the quantitative evaluation of the needs in
water of the different sectors and to the different terms, to the perspectives of use of
this resource and finally to recommendations.
Our work cleared on the fundamental necessity of a planning integrated of
resources in water by basin as well as the development of a water strategy preferring
the mobilization of the surface waters (dams and restraints collinaires) and the
exploitation rational of the underground waters.
Without forgetting the necessity to increase the productivity of water in
agriculture while limiting waste by the introduction of new techniques of irrigation,
to reorganize and to clear distribution networks, and finally to fight against the very
elevated losses for lack of plain maintenance of facilities and networks.