The process of urbanization has a strong relationship with the urban land, being the receiving container of urban projects in the city and their main engine. This land property is characterized by a variety of legislative features mainly related to the type of property and other techniques related to the area and geotechnical terrain, in addition to economic characteristics related to value and price.
These indicators had a significant impact on land use and the urban framework of the city of Mila and also prevented the projection of the content of the programs included in the urban plans. This has contributed to the emergence of planning and design disequilibria in the city. Even the design process had many faults related to the rationalization and valorization of urban land.
We tried in this study to analyze the current situation and
develop a number of formulas and proposals that value the good
management and planning of urban land for our study area. with the
attempt to build a land database according to a system of geographic information (GIS) to enable better assessment and management of urban land and town planning operations in the city.