المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1

الترجمة في ضوء نظرية لسانيات النص رواية Je t’offrirai une gazelle لمالك حداد ترجمة محمد ساري أنموذجا

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author صبيحي محمد الأخضر
dc.contributor.author بونعاس شوقي
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:26:46Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:26:46Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/4149
dc.description 232 ورقة.
dc.description.abstract Translation is an important key that allows people to communicate and exchange experiences. With the evolution of human beings and the cultural boundaries vanished between the communities, the need of the translation to a solid theoretical support becomes a necessity. From here, the theory of text linguistics has emerged as an essential anchor that deals with the translation as a process and as a result. Since it involves the study of the properties of text structures, and the analysis of grammatical and structural features that define text typology, the theory of text linguistics has provided to translation a promising method based on the development of a set of decoding principles that help to understand utterances meanings. Translators have found in both, textuality standards and text typology a fictive and a practical solution to the different problems caused essentially by cultural and civilizations differences. the importance of this theory is what attracted our attention and prompted us to select it to be the topic of this research, in an attempt to get to the answer to the fundamental question that we had asked at the beginning of this research about the extent to which the concepts of textuality standards and the notion of text typology can be helpful in the transfer of texts from one language to another, without any loss in meanings. In this context, we have chosen Malek Haddad novel “Je t’offrirai une gazelle” in its second translation signed by Mohamed Sari, as a sample, to study the most important textual features, and to focus on how the translator dealt with them in the Arabic translation. This research has been divided into an introduction and three chapters. The introduction was mainly allocated to the 20 century linguistic theories, starting with structuralism, which focused on the study of language and form, independently of any external stimulation, then the generative theory which was considered a coup scientifically in the field of linguistics, thanks to the deep and surface structures concept established by Chomsky, then the pragmatic theory, which focused on studying languages in use, and which was in large part based on the theory of speech acts. The first chapter was devoted to talk about text sciences; its inception in the fifties of the last century, through Harris famous book “Analyse du discours” in 1952, followed by a series of studies made by van Dijk, De Beaugrand and Halliday, then we came to talk about its object which is the text as a natural unit through which human can communicate, and as well as its importance, especially after the experience of linguistic studies based on the sentence proved inadequate. Always and in the same chapter , we have highlighted the most important criteria set by the text scientists for good wording of texts , therefore we have chosen the seven standards of De Beaugrand ( Cohesion , Coherence, Intentionality , Intertextuality , Contextuality and acceptability ) as an example. At the end we had concluded with the most important taxonomies of text types proposed respectively by Wirlech, Hatim and Khatarina Reiss. The second chapter began with the provision of the most important problems that the translation process knows, imposed by cultural and linguistic differences on the one hand and the nature of the languages and nature of texts on the other hand such us untranslatability, receptors rejection…etc. To be followed by a brief presentation of the main known translation theories notably the theory of texts which we are dealing with in this research. After discussing the two chapters and after analyzing the corpus, it seems that we can now answer the problematic of the research which we presented in the introduction by confirming the importance of the role of the text linguistics in the translation process. Text linguistics is a branch pertaining with texts as communication systems, it takes its form, its setting and its communicative context into account, texts are the main object of translation. Text linguistics suggests an assisting translation method, by utilizing the textual factors, linguistics and extra linguistics, for keeping the meanings and conserving the source text linguistic and formal features. However, the application of text linguistics in translation is sometimes quite inappropriate because it needs a deep knowledge of wording rules in both source and target language. Besides, translators cannot find equivalences readily, the can not apply the source language wording rules in the target language. For all of this, we still believe, in spite of our deep belief of the efficiency of the translation process based on text linguistics principle, that translation needs more than one theory in order to solve and face all the ideological, cultural and lingual obstacles.
dc.format 30 سم.
dc.language.iso fre
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.title الترجمة في ضوء نظرية لسانيات النص رواية Je t’offrirai une gazelle لمالك حداد ترجمة محمد ساري أنموذجا
dc.title دراسة وصفية تحليلية
dc.coverage 2نسخ موجودة مكتبة المركزية

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