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إشكالية ترجمة بعض المصطلحات ذات الخصوصية الدينية من اللغة العربية إلى اللغة الفرنسية

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dc.contributor.author معمري فرحات
dc.contributor.author لوط حمزة
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:26:24Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:26:24Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/4135
dc.description 151 ورقة.
dc.description.abstract The importance of Language for Special Purposes (LSP) is rapidly gaining momentum in modern society due to an "information explosion" necessitating a multidirectional knowledge transfer and an indispensable access to specialized knowledge. Also the general public, who are neither trained nor fully prepared, must be informed by decision-makers about a host of topics, which have a direct bearing on the planet and its inhabitants, such as "shifts in the social and the rules that govern them and their rights, and much more" in order to 'enlist their support" . Terminology is closely linked to Discourse for Special Purpose (DSP) with its ramifications into fields and sub-fields of knowledge and is conducted among peers and between them and non-speers. Translators, in most cases, are probably situated within the latter category, as it is impossible to specialize in the very wide spectrum of subjects dealt with, which follow an intensively specialized course in a multilingual direction. This is a veritable dilemma. The term "terminology" covers three concepts. The first concept is terminology, which is an inter-and trans-disciplinary field of knowledge dealing with concepts and their representation. Secondly, an aggregate of terms representing the system of concepts of a given subject. The third one is a publication in which terms represent a system of concepts. It is a main vector in knowledge transfer, and it is vital for knowledge transfer. When the terms are well-defined, communication is carried in a suitable manner. Terminology and translation are tightly related. Thus, the translator finds himself confronted to many problem while approaching the translation of terms belonging to a specific field of knowledge. This is clearly noticed with a specific kind of terms. We mean, hereby, terms which carry a religious and cultural background. Therefore, the translator has to deal with the cultural systems, and not only with languages. We have been motivated by the importance of this subject to do the current research entitled ''The problem of the Translation of the Terms Carrying a Religious and Cultural Background. The Case of the Terms Appearing in books of Legal Representation, Heritage and Legacy in the Algerian Family Code ". It is a comparative study based on two fields: law and religion. This research aims at finding out the procedures used in the translation of those terms. The main question asked is" what are the techniques used by the translator of the Algerian of family code ". The present research is divided into two main parts, in addition to the introduction and conclusion: - The first part: is a theoretical study, it includes three chapters as it comes up:  Chapter one: discusses two main points; the languages for specific purposes and terminology. In this chapter, we expose the definition of the concept of the language for specific purposes. Then, we start to investigate the notion of terminology.  Chapter two: in which we get into the legal language and the term inspired from the Islamic law.  Chapter three: is a study of the techniques used in legal translation. The methodology of research adopted in this part is based on the description of the notions being involved in this study. - The second parts: is also divided into three chapters:  Chapter one: includes the presentation of the corpus of working.  Chapter two: is a look on the Islamic jurisprudence that concerns the field of legal representation and heritage. This is to have knowledge about legislative meaning of those terms.  Chapter three: is an analytic study of the translation given to the terms having a religious background. An appendix is placed following the conclusion and is a table summarizing the analytic study. This research leads us to the following results: Translation of “Terms and Notions Inspired from Islamic Law into French”, is a difficult process that requires a good knowledge about their characteristics and meanings in language, law and religion. In order to translate “Terms and Notions Inspired from Islamic Law into French”, The translator must have a religious background. He must also use specialized books and dictionaries which can help him to understand before translating. Some law terms which have their roots in the Islamic legislation but which carry a universal meaning need simply to be translated by giving their equivalents in the target language. Some equivalents do not offer a satisfying understanding of the meaning of the Arabic word, such as: “aceb” and “radd”. Some law terms express notions which do not exist in the French language. They are a good example of what is called untranslatability, and represent the different difficulties and obstacles that stand against the translator and make him confused and unsatisfied with any of the translations that may be given to such terms. When the notions do not exist in the French language, terms are translated using: paraphrase, paraphrase plus lexical and syntactic equivalence, in addition to borrowing, and borrowing plus lexical and syntactic equivalence. To end up, we would be satisfied if that this research contributes in the enhancement of the process of the translating of the terms which carry a religious and cultural background.
dc.format 30 سم.
dc.language.iso ara
dc.title إشكالية ترجمة بعض المصطلحات ذات الخصوصية الدينية من اللغة العربية إلى اللغة الفرنسية
dc.title النيابة الشرعية و الميراث و الهبة و الوقف في قانون الأسرة الجزائري أنموذجا
dc.coverage 2نسخ موجودة في المكتبة المركزية

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