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ترجمة الصفات في القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة الإنجليزية

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dc.contributor.author ويس عمار
dc.contributor.author بولخصايم عادل
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T08:25:30Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T08:25:30Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/4105
dc.description 193 ورقة.
dc.description.abstract One of the surprising facts for most non-Muslims is that Islam has over 975 million followers all over the world. Islam has a revelation, a holy book, called the Qur'an which was revealed to the prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, about fourteen hundred years ago. The Qur'an is the last and final revelation until the end of human existence on earth. that what makes the Arabic language rich of different structures, considerable rhetorical competence, and diversity in vocabulary. Since then, more than fourteen hundred years have passed, and nobody has been able to meet the challenge, and nobody will, because the Qur'an is the only existing book containing the word of Allah which no man can match or imitate. The most eloquent people in the Arabic language spent years going over and searching the Qur'an, trying to find any weak or inadequate word or sentence, but they could not. They even went further, trying to find a way to substitute a word or a sentence in the Qur'an, hoping to convey a similar meaning as the original one, but they failed to do so. And they will not reach the level of producing something parallel, since they have tried many times to write texts looks like the Qur'an, by the translation of its meanings into many languages, especially into English language. Ending by realizing that is inimitable and immutable linguistically and stylistically . During their attempts to translate the words of the holy Qur’an they have faced many difficulties, since it contains several linguistic phenomena such as the present one (the adjectives), and other problems, concerning the question of the translatability and untranslatability of the holy Qur’an, when some scholars call for the prohibition and not to allow anyone to try a translation of the holy Qur’an, saying that is the word of the God and it is impossible to substitute his words with other human words, in addition to the neglect of the original text if translations used instead of the original sacred text. In spite of that the translators carry on their translations till they revealed it to public, inside their translations, they tried to find solutions for the problem of keeping both meaning and structure of the original text together. Since it is well known that both form and content are closely linked and cannot be separated from each other ;they are both part of Qur’an divinity That what ABDULLAH Yusuf ali and PICKTHAL tried to do in their translation of the meanings of the holy Qur’an. And this thesis attempts to discuss the different ways in which the two translators deal with the case of adjectives translation, starting by asking some questions looks important for the research, these questions are: What are the differences between the adjectives in Arabic and the adjectives in English language? What is the opinion of Translation toward the translation of the meanings of holy Qur’an? In what standards the translators rely to understand the meanings and the interpretations of the verses? How did they deal with the translation of adjectives cases into English? Did they succeed in translating the phenomenon of adjectives in their translations? In order to answer these questions, i have divided my work into four chapters, in addition to an introduction and a conclusion. The first chapter of this research spoke about the definition of the adjective according to some ancient scholars from both schools “BASRA” and “EL KUFA” ending by realizing that both schools used two words “EL SIFA” and “EL NA’AT ”to distinguish the same function limiting the function of the “NA’AT” only for describing positive sides of the subject, what is equivalent to attributive adjective in English language. The second point i have study in this chapter was the function of the adjective inside the sentence and it’s role in building the meaning, showing the interference between some Arabic parts of speech, such as the adverb and the adjective, the adjective and the noun. Then i have revealed the most common and different sides of adjectives between Arabic and English, in addition to a small review to adjective as a part of speech in English language; how to form it, how to order it if more than one, where it should took place regarding to the subject. The second chapter of this research was about the history of the religious text translation, i have focused in this chapter on showing the opinion of Islamic scholars whom were for and against the translation of holy Qur’an, telling what kind of translations was prohibited and what was allowed, then i have followed the history of the holy Qur’an starting with the first translation of the Qur’an into English, by George Sale? Ending with some comments about the well known translations such as the two highly reputable translations of PICKTHAL and ABDULLAH Yusuf Ali, after that i have looked for the ways followed by the translators to understand the real meaning and interpretation of the verses of holy Qur’an, where i realized the essential role of the interpretation of the meanings of Qur’an. We can’t speak about the translation of the holy Qur’an without speaking about the judgement of each kind of translation, and this what i have study at the end of the second chapter. The third chapter of the thesis was devoted to numerate the adjectives in the holy Qur’an, and to ensure that all adjectives were numerated i have divided the statistic study into three parts according to the situation or the kind of adjectives, ending with selecting among all the cases some cases to be the specimen of this study and to deal with it in the fourth chapter. The last chapter of this modest research was the essential of all the thesis, because i have dealt in it with the specimen cases, following their translations by Pickthall and yusuf ali, criticising their translations with scientific arguments trying in the same time to compare the two translations together. In the end of this chapter i have conclude it with some results and remarks concerning the way of translating the adjectives from the holy Qur’an into English: ABDULLAH YUSUF ALI followed the literal translation in the most of his translations of the adjectives, respecting the source text and trying to correspond the adjectives in the source with adjectives in his translation. Concerning the cases of gender and number i have noticed that the adjectives in English remain neuter, unaffected by the changing of the subject even if he is feminine, plural or singular. Concerning the order of adjectives i have noticed that Yusuf ali has given all the importance to the text source, ignoring the rules of English adjectives order, so he translated all the successive adjectives as they were in the original text, focusing on the place of the adjectives; before or after the subject. Concerning the superlative form, Yusuf ali corresponded each case of superlative with an superlative form, in an literal translation. Pickthall has followed the same méthodique in his translation of the adjectives in the holy Qur’an, since he translated the most of cases i have studied with other adjectives either dereived from gerund or past participle, and corresponding each word from the verse with a word in the translation respecting with this methodique the source text, trying to give enough semantic charges, to equivalent the meaning .
dc.format 30 سم.
dc.language.iso ara
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.title ترجمة الصفات في القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة الإنجليزية
dc.title إشكاليات العدد و الجنس و الترتيب والصفات المركبة و التفاضل بعض الآيات من القرآن الكريم أنموذجا
dc.coverage 2نسخ موجودة في المكتبة المركزي

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