The urban dynamics in Algeria have known over a course of nearly four decades all-round transformations following a galloping demography and unprecedented migratory movements, these phenomena have been translated differently in space. The Norah of the country, enjoying a variety of infrastructures and remarkable scale, in short, the privileged place for demographic flows at the expense of other regions of the country. This has contributed to the emergence of the phenomenon of macrocephaly and accentuated that of casualization, hence the emergence of areas with good economic potential and other landlocked without adequate infrastructural base due to lack of rational upgrading policies. The dichotomy marking these spaces is that it would seem difficult to erase all in a short period of time all the economic and spatial disparities. The only regions which remain in the process of experiencing certain balances, and the one whose new economic structures are based on commercial activities like urban centres such as El Eulma and Ain Fakroun taken as an example of study. These two cities seem to demonstrate a new territorial dimension, which now marks the organization of space with the appearance of new poles of attraction able to rebalance both the phenomenon of demographic capitalization and allow the establishment of a new form of territorialisation.