The monopole interaction, which result from the interaction between the magic core and the
valence particles, has a particular interest in the study of nuclear structure and in the
comprehension of the appearance of new magic numbers.
In this thesis, the study is founded on the calculation of the excitation energies and the
electromagnetic properties of odd-odd nuclei with few hole or few particles in addition to the
132Sn core: 128Ag, 130In, 132-134-136-138Sb, 134-136I and 136-138Cs.
Basing on the interactions jj45apn, sn100pn and kh5082 with the model spaces jj45pn, jj55pn
and jj56pn, we have realised some modifications considering the monopole interaction. New
interactions named jj45pnh, snh, cdbm and mkh are then elaborated. The recent values of single
particle and single hole energies are used. The calculations are realised in the frame work of the
nuclear shell model by means of Oxbash nuclear structure code.
The effective charges ep=1.35e and en=0.9e, leading to reproduce the experimental values of
the electromagnetic reduced transition probabilities B(M1) and B(E2) and the moments Q and
µ are used in the calculations.
The getting results are in agreement with the experimental data and better than other calculation