Constantine, one of the oldest Algerian cities, has always been a metropolis (mother- city) and exerted the function of "capital" of the Algerian North-East currently suffers from many urban problems of which most critical are the landslide, the illicit habitant, the degradation of the built framework of medina and the ecological problems. To these evils come be added its maladjustment to globalization and the risk to be
excluded from economic, cultural or social dynamics, which has course in the word today. Constantine does not have the demographic size millionaire, just as it sulphur of a considerable deficit of banking an financial houses, equipment of great scale, infrastructures tourist, etc, However, it has assets which can enable him to be integrated into the world networks, in particular its bonds with Skikda, its natural and historical outlet. Indeed, the Constantine – Skikda binomial is able to be one of the vectors of globalization in Algeria. This unit can be reinforced by the creation of a free zone which Azzaba, which is in the centre of gravity of the urban triangle composed of two of the most significant the pole industrialists and harbor of the country and a city of which the historical weight, cultural is more powerful in the region.This example shows that Algeria must less think of developing and of integrating enclaves of prosperity than to promote and propose with integration the regional powerful ones.