This study is a contribution work intended to make known the lime as well as its production sources; limestone and dolomite.
Raw materials quality is a prerequisite to obtain a good and effective product. For this purpose, four active quarries have been selected; these quarries are situated in quite different geological environments of northeastern Algeria.
For limestone: Djendel career and terraced Ben Azzouz career, both located in the “prékabyle” area near Skikda have been selected as well as Khroub quarry known for its production of high quality calcium carbonate. For dolomite, Téioualt career near Aïn M‟lila is taken into account. The last two careers are part of Constantine‟s neretic formations.
Such working sites are each discussed in the local geological and mining context. All their products serve – currently Djendel and Teioualt - or have served temporarily, the lime plant of El Hadjar steel complex.
Based on field observations and taken samples, several chemical analyzes, cooking tests and other characterizations tests were carried out.
The results confirmed the adequacy of samples physico-mechanical and thermal properties and their suitability for lime manufacturing. The obtained results validated Djendel and Ben Azzouz ability to continue to fill the needs of steel industry. The limestone reserves; quite abundant in Djendel; could allow, in case of qualitative failure to carry out a selective exploitation. The Ben Azzouz‟s limestone bench overcomes a dolomitic sitting that could be interesting to prospect...
For Khroub limestones and Téioualt dolomites, the results are even more conclusive. For these substances, and beyond the steel industry, other uses are possible: water treatment and other applications, this should be confirmed by specific feasibility tests ... But in terms of quantity and in the eventuality limestone units will be selected, new possibilities should be highlighted near these sites as long as the same qualities and the same basic material homogeneity still continue. Appropriate assessment should be conducted in this way.
For raw materials, especially limestone, many north eastern Algerian sites should be promoted. Carbonate sets from Cretaceous and Jurassic periods are most favorable for investigations. The assessments should target rather organogenic formations of marine origin, platform or reef type, whose deposits were held in quiet and shallow areas... as long as the deposits are sufficiently thick, homogeneous and undisturbed by tectonic...
Produce some varieties of lime needed for the most critical current needs seems to be a strategic choice within the scope of sustainable development...