عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author Louamri Abdelaziz
dc.contributor.author Mebarki Azzedine
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T10:53:23Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T10:53:23Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/7081
dc.description.abstract The surface hydrology deals with problems of both quantitative and qualitative runoff. Three major themes were addressed in this research on the hydrology of the watershed of the river in eastern Algeria (Seybouse): - Rainfall (annual rainfall and maximum daily rainfall) and automatic mapping; - The liquid flows in wadis observed at hydrometric stations highlighting the terms of the water balance, the variability of inflow at different timescales and the importance of flood events. Also, water management is studied through dams and water transfers; - Finally, the sediment transport wadis, modeling in relation to liquid flows and their impact on siltation of dams. The basin, with an area of 6745 km2, consists of very different physical and climatic environments: semi-arid in south (High Plains) and sub-humid north (Tell) draining rivers with very different flows. Rains, punctually known vary from 230 mm at Aioun Settara raining station in the High Plains to 867 mm at Mechroha raining station in the basin of the Oued Mellah with extremes that mapping helped to develop. Data analysis, geostatistics, and the digital terrain model (DTM), have allowed spatialization (automatic mapping) information "rain" over several periods. Rates observed at gauging stations over the period 1971/72-1987/88 shows the variations of annual runoff ranging from 23 mm to Station Moulin Rochefort in the High Plains to 196 mm at Bouchegouf gauging station in the south- Tellian, the flow rate ranging from 6.3 to 26.4% and the flow deficit from 336.3 to 545.7 mm per year for the same basins. In times of flood for the river basin to Seybouse Mirbeck, the instantaneous flow rate reached 1236 m3 / s at December 31, 1984. Modeling, starting from the maximum daily rainfall mapping has allowed the estimation of maximum daily flows and peak flows leading to the sub-basin of the Bouhamdane River. Mobilization of surface water is carried by dams (two large dams, four small dams and sixty dams). But the very growing water needs in the basin can be satisfied by transfer involving very large volumes of water. The study of sediment transport and their interannual variability and inter-monthly is realized by a comparative analysis of the sub-basins. The case study of the river basin Bouhamdane allowed proposing laws Qs-QL and bi-frequency curves and quantification of sedimentation dam Hammam Debagh inflow since December 1987. This research helped contribute to deepen the knowledge of Algerian hydrology of an important exoréic watershed in Eastern Algeria (Oued Seybouse). It was an opportunity to apply statistical methods, interpolation (kriging) and automatic mapping.
dc.language.iso fre
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Aménagement du Territoire
dc.title Le bassin-versant de la seybouse (Algérie orientale)
dc.title hydrologie et amenagement des eaux
dc.coverage 2 copies imprimées disponibles

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عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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