The Eurocode 7 on the ""Geotechnical design"" is now actively implemented throughout Europe. Part 1 of the ""General Rules"" was published in 2004. The National Annexes and documents were prepared for the final promulgation in the various European countries .
The design of footings is covered by Section 6 of Eurocode 7 Part 1, ŘSpread foundations.
this work describes the three DESIGN approaches (DA 1 , DA 2 , DA 2* et DA 3)offered by eurocode 7 on « geotechnical Design » for verifying Ultimate limit states in persistent or transient design situations ( i.e .under fundamental combinations ).They are applied and compared in the case of a strip footing under differents vertical loads , eccentric and inclined loading . Both in France and in Germany ,DA 2 has been selected for most geotechnical structures , though with some differences between the two countries for a limited number of cases . The principles and the choices made for the selections made of the design approach , as well as of the values for the partial
factors of safety , are explained for the two countries .
This work traces the development of Eurocode 7; it explains how the overall reliability of geotechnical structures is ensured in Eurocode 7; it shows how the limit state concept and partial factor method are implemented in Eurocode 7 for geotechnical designs; it explains how characteristic values are selected and design values obtained; it presents the partial factors given in Eurocode 7 to obtain the appropriate levels of reliability; and it examines the use of probabilitybased reliability methods, such as first order reliability method (FORM) analyses for geotechnical designs and the use of these methods for calibrating the partial factor values.