"Storage of waste into the environment is a major problem for engineers. The problem
relates to the possible contamination of the groundwater with toxic contaminants such as
heavy metals. With the production of large amounts of garbage and industrial waste,
technical landfill became important. Among the main techniques used to ensure a good
seal the bottom of a CET: layers sand / bentonite must resist structurally over time to
physical and chemical attacks and offer good mechanical and physico-chemical
properties. The important aspect for a sand / bentonite mixture used as a passive barrier in
a landfill is the hydraulic conductivity where one should always look for a low hydraulic
conductivity (K ≤ 10-7 cm / s). This study focuses on studying the effects of heavy metals
on the hydraulic conductivity of a passive barrier of a CET. Physical characterization was
carried out by standard tests on two materials to determine their physico-chemical
properties and tested for compressibility and permeability were made by preparing
mixtures of 90% sand and 10% of bentonite. The results that were obtained are shown as
a function of time and loading the form of graphs."