This memory proposes an appropriate solution for the optimization of reactive power, and voltage control through the incorporation of the flexible alternating current transmission systems “FACTS”. For this objective we proposed two shunt family devices the STATCOM and the SVC of (3TSC+1TCR) type. We presented by details their structure and operating principle, we also developed their mathematical models in the synchronous reference (d-q), and shown the relations between the various variables of the network according to the control parameters of these two compensators. For the STATCOM we chose the MLI command, and a command system for the SVC (3TSC+1TCR) comprises 04 units (measurement system, PI regulator of voltage, distribution unit and the switching unit). We chose the method (Watt-Var uncoupled) for the identification of the STATCOM references, and we applied the PI regulator for the command of two devices. The results of simulation with MATLAB/SIMULINK validated the models used and they indeed showed that these two compensators carried out with a great effectiveness our crucial objective in the optimization of reactive power and the voltage compensation in the test network studied. At the end we made a short comparison on technical and economical plans between these two FACTS compensators.