"The aim of the present work is to develop a numerical model which permits a multidimensional simulation of the distribution of the different charged particles and neutral species, potential and electric field, electronic temperature and reaction rates in radiofrequency discharges, for electropositive plasma produced in a capacitively coupled reactor (CCP) and in an inductively coupled reactor (ICP), respectively. For this, and after
applying some simplifying assumptions and boundary and initial conditions, we developed a fluid self - consistent model to describe the behaviour of various plasma parameters. The model developed is based on the resolution of the first three moments of the Boltzmann equation. These three moments, which are the continuity equation, the transfer of momentum equation and electron mean energy’s equation, are coupled to the Poisson equation and the
Maxwell equations to form a non-linear and strongly coupled system of equations. We therefore process for its resolution using Comsol Multiphysics commercial software which is based on the finite element method. The analysis of the influence of operating parameters such as pressure and RF frequency and power on the plasma characteristics is also considered in this study.