In the recent years, the fractional order digital
delay concept has been found to be useful in
several practical problems in diffe
rent fields of engineering. The transfer function of this ideal
fractional order digital delay is given by:
, with 0 < m < 1
Because of its representation by an irrational
transfer function, the ideal fractional order
digital delay cannot be exac
tly implemented; only a lim
ited implementation may be
accomplished using approximation methods.
In this thesis design methods of stable, causa
l and minimum phase digital IIR filter, based on
fractional order systems and operators, approximating the ideal fractional order digital delay
(0 < m <1) are presented. Illustrative exampl
es and applications have been presented to
demonstrate the effectiveness and the exactitude
of the proposed fractional delay digital filter
design methods. The simulation results obtained have been discussed and compared to the
most recent implementation methods of the ideal
fractional order dela
y in the literature