This work concerned a trial that was conducted in green house, on three varieties of Faba bean (Vicia faba L) submitted to water stress coins different degrees of water treatments: 75%, 50%, 25% of the yield capacity and a stop of irrigation to the stage of replenishment of pods.
The objective is to clarify the effect of water stress on the plant and on the seed compounents by mechanisms of adaptation that affect phonological, agro morphological and biochemical aspects.
The results that have bean obtained showed that water stress has a depressive effect on the growth parameters, components of the output and biochemicals parameters. In a remarkable way to stem stress (25%).
Concerning the biochemicals mechanisms, every variety shows a strategy of adaptation to water stress. For the variety Aquadulce L, it appears by an accumulation of primary metabolits (proline , solubles sugars), on the other hand, the Alfred variety, by an accumulation of secondary metabolits (Tannins).