المستودع الرقمي في جامعة الإخوة منتوري قسنطينة 1

: دراسة التنوع المرفوفیزیولوجي، البیوكمیائي، الجزیئي، المحصول وتصالب صنفین من القمح الصلب المنزرع بالجزائر).(Triticum durumDes

عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.author شهیلي, فطیمة الزهراء
dc.contributor.author بودور, لیلى
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T09:10:34Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T09:10:34Z
dc.date.issued 2018-12-17
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/4950
dc.description.abstract The study was conducted during three agricultural campaigns 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and 2016/2017 in two stations, one at the wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi and the other at the Technical Institute of Field Crops (ITGC) from Khroub to Constantine. The purpose of this study was to distinguish the difference among 20 genotypes of two varieties, circumflexumand melanopus, belonging to durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grown in Algeria, based on certain morphophysiological characteristics and yield. In addition, the parents were subjected to hybridizations to obtain first generation individuals, in order to determine the diversity of inter and intra varietal genotypes, thus the development of the most productive genotypes. Also, a biochemical and molecular study was carried out to determine the degree of relationship of the studied genotypes and hybrids obtained. The results obtained by multivariate statistical analyzes showed that there is a diversity among the studied genotypes from the morphological measurements and the yield. The genotypes cir9, mel1, mel6, mel2, mel5, mel6, mel10, cir7 and cir10 record the highest values from morphological parameters and grain yield during the three agricultural campaigns. The cir4, cir8, cir6, mel6, mel4 and cir5 genotypes had high relative moisture content during the two agricultural campaigns 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 and the mel1, cir4, mel3, mel9 and cir8 genotypes during the agricultural campaigns 2016/2017. Total protein analysis by electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) during the three agricultural campaigns of the 30 selected genotypes of the two varieties circumflexum, melanopus and six hybrids revealed a remarkable polymorphism of 66.66 and 83.33%, respectively. . The hierarchical classification distinguished different groups. Total protein can be used to determine genetic differences in durum wheat populations. The molecular analysis by the technique (PCR -HRM) permited the separation of 30 selected genotypes of the two varieties circumflexum and melanopus, using four SSR primers. This technique allowed to highlight inter and intra varietal variability according to the degree of DNA fusion. During the agricultural campaign 2013/2014 the mel1, mel2 and mel10 genotypes form a single homogeneous group for both primers Xwms47 and Xwms46, and two genotypes cir9 and cir10 were classified in the same group for the primer Xwms46 during the agricultural campaign 2014/2015, but the third agricultural campaign 2016/2017 has classified two genotypes cir10 and mel9 in the same group for the two primers Xwms46 and Xwms499. This analysis distinguished the genotypes mel1, cir9 and mel9 for the primer Xwms132 during the three agricultural campaigns by forming individual groups respectively. This later allowed to highlight a very important variability of the primer Xwms132 followed by the three primers Xwms 47, Xwms 46 and Xwms 499 according to their degree of DNA fusion of the genotypes of 6, 5,4, 3 and 0,8 ° C, respectively, which show inter and intra-varietal diversity. The molecular study of parents with six hybrids from crosses between circumflexumand melanopus showed that, based on the degree of relationship between hybrids and their parents, the hybrids were divided into three groups: a group resembling the male father for primers Xwms47 and Xwms132, a group similar to both parents for the same primer Xwms499, and an intermediate group resembling none of the parents was often found for the primer Xwms46. Some hybrids have also taken intermediate groups for Xwms47 and Xwms132. We conclude that among all followed parameters and analyzes, morpho-physiological, yield, biochemical and molecular, molecular study, based on DNA analysis, is the most rigorous approach, but it is best to use all available methods in order to have a complete study rich with the information about inter and interspecific variability among studied genotypes.
dc.language.iso ar
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject التقنیات الحیویة، البیولوجیا والمحیط:القواعد البیولوجیة للإنتاج والتنوع الحیوي النباتي
dc.subject القمح الصلب )(Triticum du
dc.subject الهجن
dc.subject المرفولوجیة
dc.subject الفیزیولوجیة
dc.subject مكونات المردود
dc.subject البیوكمیائیة
dc.subject البروتینات الكلیة
dc.subject التنوع
dc.subject الجزیئیة
dc.subject Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)
dc.subject Hybrids
dc.subject morphological
dc.subject physiological
dc.subject yield components
dc.subject biochemical
dc.subject total protein
dc.subject diversity and molecular
dc.subject Blé dur (Triticum durum Desf.)
dc.subject hybrides
dc.subject morphologiques
dc.subject physiologiques
dc.subject composantes du rendement
dc.subject biochimique
dc.subject protéines totales
dc.subject diversité et moléculaire
dc.title : دراسة التنوع المرفوفیزیولوجي، البیوكمیائي، الجزیئي، المحصول وتصالب صنفین من القمح الصلب المنزرع بالجزائر).(Triticum durumDes
dc.type Thesis

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عرض سجل المادة البسيط

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