Homocysteine (Hcy) is a sulfur amino acid, synthesized from the metabolism of Lmethionine.
There is a balance in the metabolism of Hcy at physiological conditions.
At high level, the hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy), considered as an independent risk factor in atherosclerosis, which can cause cellular and molecular alterations.
In the present study, we have measured thiol amino acid (homocysteine), lipidic statut (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides), and activity of transaminases (GOT, GPT) in mice administered with (400mg/kg) of L-methionine during 21 days. Following oral administration of L-methionine in high dose, its degradation product Hcy which is markedly
elevated in plasma and exerts an angiotoxic action directed to the iliac aorta and the other organs (liver, heart and kidneys). This is showed degradation and desquamation of endothelial cells also formation of foam cells in the media part with oval nuclei in mediocytes.
However, the aortic intima of the groups of mice that had been fed with L-methionine plus S.
mialhesi extract (500mg/kg) and also with vitamins B9 and B12 (0,7mg/kg and 0,75μg/kg), respectively showed intact endothelium and spindle-shaped mediocytes nuclei. Nevertheless, oval-shaped mediocytes nuclei and a few foam cells were observed. In the histological sections of the cardiac muscle, liver and kidneys no lysis was observed.
The vitamins B9 and B12 serve as cofactors in the metabolism of L-methionine. So, the vitamins therapy and the extract of S. mialhesi in mice have reduced Hcy, total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL however, the concentration of HDL was increased.
The extract of medicinal plant S. mialhesi used in this study has antioxidant effect as the vitamins B9 and B12 in mice.
Our results obtained in this study showed that S. mialhesi can be considered as natural source in the prevention against cardiovascular disease.