Lectins are proteins substances extracted from plants or animals.
The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of lectins in extracts of five medicinals plants by the haemagglutination test, extract lectins and their biological study.
The extraction was made by crushing and macération in a buffer solution was followed by chroatography column, and then an amount of extract was lyophylized.
The haemagglutinating activity of Astragalus armatus was 1:9(512). And the Ocimum basilicum was 1:7(128).
Lectins extracts of Astragalus armatus have given a highly selective groupe A erythrocytes. Ocimum basilium extract showed no ability to distinguish human blood groups.
For some number of single sugar galactose inhibe the haemagglutinating activity of Ocimum basilicum lectins.
The extract Astragalus armatus was stable in the pH range of 3-7,5 and heat stable up to
60°C. The extract Ocimum basilicum was stable in the pH range of 2-7,5 and heat stable up
to 80°C.
The extrct of Atragalus armatus have immune effect.