The use of data on the health status of populations throughout the world, and their importance in the development of protocols and strategies for care and prevention are currently the subject of great interest. In Algeria, the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity continues significantly. It is the consequence of a radical change in the mode
of life.
A cross-sectional survey of 273 households from 12 districts located in urban areas in 1091 and introducing people, aged 18-75 years, helped describe the epidemiological profile and enjoy the oxidant / antioxidant status of the population overweight in the town of Ain Fakroun located in eastern Algeria.
The epidemiological approach shows that over one third (1/3) of the recruited population is overweight (BMI> 25 kg / m²). The prevalence increased significantly (p = 0.0014) in adult women and then gradually decreases with age and drops significantly among seniors over 60 years. The study of the association between BMI levels and risk factors reinforces conventional notions. From a descriptive point of view, among both men and women, overweight seems strongly linked to social, biological and environmental factors.
The evaluation of various parameters related to oxidative / antioxidant status indicates an imbalance in the obese. The imbalance seems more pronounced among women. A negative relationship was observed between adiposity and antioxidant capacity for the presence of oxidative stress in obese individuals from our study sample. Indeed, we found reduced levels of antioxidant systems, proved through in reduced plasma levels of vitamin E and vitamin A, glutathione, trace elements linked to the system in this case zinc, even where enzymes, particularly the CAT. Added to the significant concomitant increase in the levels of oxidizing system including lipid peroxidation and copper in the blood plasma of obese compared to overweight individuals.
With the advent of industrialization, bank loans and medical care, the situation remains a concern in our country since the trend is for a development that alarmed plagues. Also, a prevention strategy is urgent to undertake.