In this research, we have explored the didactical system implemented in the teaching of French as a foreign language using it in our plurilingual context. We wanted to understand how metacognitive self-regulation is taken into account in the teaching device of the construction of the meaning of written texts. To do so, we analyzed the French program to find out how metacognitive self-regulation is recommended in the official instructions. We also looked at how self-regulation manifests itself in the textbook. We also conducted a written survey to investigate how metacognitive self-regulation is apprehended by middleschool French teachers and how metacognitive self-regulation is targeted in teaching intentions guiding teachers' interventions. The final phase of this study consists of analyzing several observed classroom sessions in order to investigate how metacognitive self-regulation is implemented in teaching practices of meaning construction of texts written by means. This step consists of identifying interventions that can explicitly stimulate the self-regulation of learners.