Auto fictional strategies by some contemporary writers from here and there are considered as studies that
aim to explore the different strategies implemented by contemporary autofictionalists in a perspective of
dislocation / reappropriation of self. Our corpus treats three imaginaries of different geographical areas:
In our home underground, Chloé Delaume (French author), Folle de Nelly Arcan (Canadian author) and
Self-portrait with Grenade by Salim Bachi(Algerian author).
Our interest is to show that autofictional writing is an anamnestic and analytical writing that uses different
strategies to establish a constant deconstruction / construction of heterogeneity within a hybrid universe. To
do this, three moments are important in our analysis: first, to approach autofiction as experimental writing
with the notion of deconstruction while examining the relation between the I and the Other; then, to explore
the strategies of the analytic writing within the notions of alienation and self-generation, psychoanalysis is
then an unavoidable tool; and finally, to show how to construct / deconstruct the figuration of oneself through
the different spaces that appear in the three texts. This last element requires a pluralist approach which is
defined at the crossroads of several disciplines: phenomenology, geo- criticism, philo- criticism and