The woman source of life, the pillar of the family, and the social barometer is simply
the other half of this world; all along she has spilled much ink. The myth of the woman
is a rather ambiguous literary issue, in the male imagination. The representations of
women were granted different facets, from angelic to diabolical character. This work is
an introspection of the Mimounien universe. His writings brew historical events of his
society. The women in general and particularly the Algerian woman occupy partially a
narrative space of a second plan. She is more the object of male character in his quest of
undeclared purpose. It generates various social representations in a typically Algerian
landscape faces a constant tension between traditions and socio-economic development.
This romantic vision of the author suggests a sharp criticism of the role of women in her
society, in order to break the taboos that encounter her.
Our research has focused on studying the seven novels of the author, according to the
chronology of their appearance.
In the first chapter, we made a summary for each novel. We focused on the
functional role of the female character through the actantial scheme of Greimas. As for
its thematic role, it was deduced by the being, the doing and the saying of P. Hamon.
The typology of V. Jouve has allowed to see that the female character is not the hero, it
is much more acted than actant.
In the second chapter the sociocritical analysis highlighted the categories of
women who are part of historical periods. We have applied the content analysis to bring
out the thematic of high, medium and low recurrence. These latter showed the social
representations of women in the work of Mimouni.