This research aims at investigating the effect of implementing Cooperative Learning (CL),
Multiple Intelligences (MI), and Perceptual Learning Styles (PLS) on secondary school
pupils’ English language proficiency and attitude at Atti Abdelhafid High School.
Thereupon, this investigation is based on the hypothesis that, if we implemented cooperative
learning activities, incorporating the insights given by Gardner’s theory of multiple
intelligences, and the pupils’ perceptual learning styles in secondary school EFL
classrooms, these activities and assessments would have a positive effect on pupils’ English
language proficiency and attitude. To reach the overarching aim of our research and validate
the hypothesis, a quasi-experimental study is adapted to two EFL classrooms (two
experimental groups). A sample of 138 first year secondary school pupils (two classes from
the scientific stream and two others from the literary stream) were divided into two control
groups and two experimental groups and taught for a whole year (2013/2014). Many
learning activities adapted from the first year secondary school textbook “At the
Crossroads”, and elaborated based on Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences, are used
while a Cooperative Learning approach is practised, by taking into account the pupils’
perceptual learning styles in designing the lesson plans. The data for the study are collected
from two sources: the first one is from the pupils’ pretest and posttest scores on their
language proficiency tests. The pupils’ first, mid and final-term examination marks are also
taken into consideration. The second one is the pupils’ questionnaire on attitudes and
motivation (after the research experiment), regarding the implementation the various
teaching tasks and activities. The results of the study show that the experimental groups that
are taught using Cooperative Learning principles , Multiple Intelligences, including
Perceptual Learning Styles , outperformed the control groups based on Competency Based
Approach (CBA) on the stimulated English proficiency tests for the three skills (listening,
reading and writing) and the three achievement school examinations (first, mid and last).