The present study seeks to demonstrate first, that the only use of specially designed
pedagogical materials proved its inefficiency in providing the adequate input that could foster our learners’ language proficiency. Second, that intensive exposure to the target language through a substantial input of authentic language materials (AM henceforth) will certainly develop learners’ communicative competence.The fundamental purpose of this research is to examine the effects of AM on learners’ communicative competence in general and their pragmatic competence in particular.Through an experimental study carried out on third year students at the department of English, Biskra University, we wanted to demonstrate that our learners’ communicative competence can develop following an instructional programme based on AM and sustained by an appropriate methodology. In order to prove the effectiveness of such materials, we relied much on the feedback provided by our subjects. Data was gathered through different means including a questionnaire, a number of tasks and a set of tests.Analysis of the results obtained from the experimental treatment and the questionnaires revealed that ample use of AM in the FL classroom helped improve learners’ communicative competence and self confidence in the target language. Our approach is based on the premises that AM facilitate the shift from the confined and artificial classroom context to real language use outside the classroom. And, that if learners are exposed to natural and real language with all its paralinguistic and
cultural features they are likely to encounter in real life, their communicative competence will gradually develop.