Three isolates of Trichoderma are isolated from the ground of different regions in
Algeria. The antagonist effect of these isolates has been studied on seven isolates of
Fusarium , agent of Fusarium Head Blight, according to the method of direct
confrontation and to distance. The results obtained revealed that the isolates of
Tichoderma were able to inhibit the mycelial growth of Fusarium of more than
65% compared to the witness, and this after four days of incubation at 25
0C. In
addition, in the sixth day the Trichoderma invades the colonies of Fusarium on
which it wetspored itself, thus revealing its high myco-parasitic capacity. The
obtained results of the indirect confrontation show a slowdown of the mycelial
growth of Fusarium strains induced by Trichodermasp with a percentage reached
43% compared to the witnesses. This study conclude that the antagonistic strains
can exert an inhibitory effect on the pathogenic colonies development