The Interpol is the largest governmental organization after the United Nations, with 194 member countries. This governmental organization seeks to strengthen and encourage international police cooperation through assistant police agencies and cooperation in its Member States; they work together to combat criminality in all its forms and to track down and recover criminals. In order to do so, the Interpol uses several means such as: tracking and arresting fugitive offenders, whether suspected or sentenced through various international statements issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office of the organization.
It relies on a modern and secure communication system that tracks common (law offenders) (criminals) and arrests them within the framework of the extradition system. This latter is subjected to certain requirements to meet the terms and condition of the application including the offence for which extradition is required; it may be related to a certain degree of gravity, or exclude penalties assigned to them.
In terms of the effects of extradition, it is ruled by the principle of limitation which is limited to the crime for which extradition occurred. This latter may expire and be nullified in specific cases such as death, amnesty and statute of limitations.