Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

تعليمية النص الأدبي في ضوء نظرية النحو الوظيفي

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dc.contributor.author قاسمي, السعيد
dc.contributor.author خديش, صالح
dc.date.accessioned 2022-06-19T10:56:47Z
dc.date.available 2022-06-19T10:56:47Z
dc.date.issued 2018-04-29
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/12865
dc.description.abstract Didactic one of the most important sides in the education. It is the main concern of theoretical as well as applied linguistics and it focuses on creating new theories and practiced methods that can deal with the development and the progress of the society. That is why the researches in didactics are considered as a healthy phenomenon, which refers to the development of the society. For the previous reasons focus on this field searching about what is new through studying the sample of ""The didactics of the literary text in the view of the theory of functional grammar, the book of Arabic; third year letter and philosophy in the secondary education"" This research is a try to bridge the gap between the university studies that know a quick progress, and the secondary education, which oscillates between the old or the typed methods. At the beginning of this research is mention the intellectuals and the philosophicalpremies of didactics since the seventeenth century .Next the resserchtackles the two main educational phases through which Algeria passed: the first one is teaching through aims and the second via comp etencies.after,Itried to present the main functional ideas that were the interests of studies of Arabic linguistic heritage.Next,I mention the main problematics of the modern linguists to define the ""text"" and ""the discourse"" and the difference between them from a function perspective.also,Imention what's a pedagogical discourse and it's main characteristics. Finish the research by practical samples of contemporary linguists in the view of the theory of functional grammar on the literary text, on the top of those names""AHMED EL-MATAWAKIL"".after all I suggest a scientific model about the way we teach the literary text based on this theory using the third year of the secondary education ,letter and philosophy as a sample based on inspector of national education . fr_FR
dc.language.iso ar fr_FR
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 fr_FR
dc.subject الأدب العربي: اللسانيات وتطبيقاتها fr_FR
dc.subject المعلّم fr_FR
dc.subject المتعلّم fr_FR
dc.subject النص الأدبي fr_FR
dc.subject التعليمية fr_FR
dc.subject الوظيفية fr_FR
dc.subject النص fr_FR
dc.subject الخطاب fr_FR
dc.subject The teacher fr_FR
dc.subject the learner fr_FR
dc.subject Literary text fr_FR
dc.subject Pedagogy fr_FR
dc.subject Function fr_FR
dc.subject the text fr_FR
dc.subject The discourse fr_FR
dc.subject Enseignant fr_FR
dc.subject Élève fr_FR
dc.subject Texte littéraire fr_FR
dc.subject didactique fr_FR
dc.subject Fonction fr_FR
dc.subject Texte fr_FR
dc.subject Discours fr_FR
dc.title تعليمية النص الأدبي في ضوء نظرية النحو الوظيفي fr_FR
dc.title.alternative كتاب:اللغة العربية وآدابها للسنة الثالثة من التعليم الثانوي شعبة آداب وفلسفة أنموذجا. fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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