The novel"" confession of Askram"" is considered among the Algerian
novels that concurred the fast developments of the civil society in the whole world making the city a very important substance in the events of the novel in which the attitudes of the characters diversified, the time unfold and the places vary. The all in a context of aesthetics a lot of related and coordinated. Azzeddine MIHOUBI didn't distinguish between the city like space and the
other components of the narration concerning the link that joins each of the elements of the textual structure and the elements of the narrative structure. by types which form the space of the city containing geometric dimensions, semantic contexts and writing's appearances. The novel"" confession of Askram"" is characterized by wealth in the ideas and the opening on the world so that the narration is mixed with the universal appearances that foresaw what already passed or what is going to be in thought of the society of contemporary city, on this basis the mosaic of the city existed in the elements of poetry, legend and fiction. So, the research which is made in the topic of the city has for object to reveal the relation that joins all what is structural with what is semantic and what is textual too. Thus, it has for object to conclude the particularity of the space of the city according to its three art istic sides in order to focus the aestheticism of its function in the new novels generally and in the novel"" confession of Askram "" notably.