This research is an attempt to distinguish the important given to the international classification systems
in university libraries, and to evaluate the real contribution of classification systems in facilitating
university libraries tasks and procedures, and in responding to the users demands.
When dealing with this systems, we relied on the policy undertaken by the university to organize this
libraries by providing their technical and artistic work to improve efficiency at work and consequently
develop scientific research.
We have based our research on a survey by ether data and opinions trough a questionnaire used as
methods logical tool. We have been able to meet the majority of to the librarians working in
Constantine university libraries .
Some hypotheses have been stated to lead adequately our study and to chaw the position of the persons
in charge of the university about the library structures.
We have completed our work White some suggestion given a greater interest to the application of the
international classification systems in our university libraries.
And to use the new information technology so that the university libraries objectives can be attend.
This will help to abandon classical work and to carry and hand efforts previously.