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Browsing First International Conference on Renewable Energies and Nanotechnology impact on Medicine and Ecology by Title

Browsing First International Conference on Renewable Energies and Nanotechnology impact on Medicine and Ecology by Title

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  • Ayat, M; Gabouze, N; Boarino, L; Guedouar, B (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In recent years, much effort has been devoted to the manufacture of one dimensional nanostrutured materials for application in micro and nanodevices. Silicon is the basic material in microelectronics, and in recent years, ...
  • Ayat, M; Gabouze, N; Boarino, L; Guedouar, B (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In this work we report the fabrication of silicon pillar array by a simple chemical etching of silicon in vanadium oxide/fluorhydric acid solution. Different etching parameters including the solution concentration, temperature ...
  • Ayat, M; Gabouze, N; Boarino, L; Guedouar, B (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In this work we report the fabrication of silicon pillar array by a simple chemical etching of silicon in vanadium oxide/fluorhydric acid solution. Different etching parameters including the solution concentration, temperature ...
  • Karamostefa-Khelil, Cherifa; Hamidat, Abdrahmane (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The production of electricity using solar photovoltaic energy is one of the solutions for reduction of gas emission in the atmosphere and prevent against greenhouse effect. In addition of a rural application, the growth ...
  • Chougui, Mohamed Lamine; Zid, Said (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Adrar is a city in the Sahara desert, in southern Algeria known for its hot and dry climate, where a huge amount of energy is used for air conditioning. The aim of this research is to simulate a single effect lithium ...
  • Dridi, Chahrazed; Zaabat, Mourad; Boudine, Azeddine (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Since little is known isolate a sheet of carbon-graphite one atom thick. This crystal is two-dimensional graphene has remarkable electronic transport properties, which are neither those of a metal nor those of a semiconductor. ...
  • Dridi, Chahrazed; Zaabat, Mourad; Boudine, Azeddine (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Since little is known isolate a sheet of carbon-graphite one atom thick. This crystal is two-dimensional graphene has remarkable electronic transport properties, which are neither those of a metal nor those of a semiconductor. ...
  • Mahfoudi, Nadjiba; Moummi, Abdelhafid (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The thermal energy storage (TES) is not a new concept, but the novelty consists to develop an efficient and inexpensive thermal storage devices. The present work has been undertaken to study the feasibility of storing ...
  • Missoum, I; Labbani, R (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In this work, CdTe solar cells are studied by means of simulation using PC1D program. CdTe material has been selected because of its interesting properties in renewable energies field, especially for photovoltaic applications ...
  • Missoum, I; Labbani, R (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In this work, CdTe solar cells are studied by means of simulation using PC1D program. CdTe material has been selected because of its interesting properties in renewable energies field, especially for photovoltaic applications ...
  • Benmoussa, D; Ben Slimane, H; Helmauoi, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The development of the tunnel junction interconnect was key to the development of the first two-terminal monolithic, multi-junction solar cell. In this paper describes a simulation for the tunnel junction (AlGaAs) between ...
  • Guechi, A; Chegaar, M (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The electrical current generated by the solar cells is very sensitive to the incident spectral distribution and intensity. This distribution varies greatly during the day due to changes in the sun’s position or weather ...
  • Kalla, L; Boudine, A; Benhizia, K; Zaabat, M (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In this work, we focus on the transport of spin-polarized currents in semiconductor materials and the quantum modeling of this transport taking into account different mechanisms acting on the spin. More specifically, we ...
  • Mouchaal, Y; Toumı, A. L; Reguıg Bendoukha, A; Khelıl, A; Bernede, J.C (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In this work thin films of PTB polymer : poly [(thiophene-2,5-diyl)-co-(benzylidene)], which is soluble in various organic solvents such as CH2Cl2,CHCl3 THF, acetone, and ethyl acetate were deposited onto glass substrates ...
  • Allouane, Dalila; Abdelmalek, Nadjate; Rahmane, Saad; Abdelaali, Hafid; Hadjeris, Lazhar; Mahdjoub, Abdelhakim; Bougdira, Jamal (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    ZnO thin films have been prepared on glass substrates at various temperatures 150, 250, 350 and 450°C, using pneumatic spray pyrolysis technique in order to investigate the structural and optical properties of the films. ...
  • Lakehal, S; Achour, S (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Photoelectrochemical Cells (PECs) utilize solar energy to produce hydrogen gas, a useful combustible resource. Along with photovoltaics, PECs will contribute to the effort of meeting global energy demand. Nanorods provide ...
  • Ayad, M; Abderrazak, M; Fathi, M; Aissat, A (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Luminous cascade systems is a new system applied in the design of photovoltaic module with low cost and high efficiency, They consist of a transparent plate of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) doped with luminescent dyes, ...
  • Neffah, Z (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    The energy and global warming crises have drawn renewed interests to thermally driven cooling systems from the air conditioning and process cooling fraternities. The early development of an absorption cycle dates back ...
  • Neffah, Zohra; Yousfi, Med Lamine; Merabti, Leila; Hatraf, Nessrine (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    In recent years, finding ways to improve absorption-system efficiency has been a great challenge for researchers. Works were mainly focused on inventing new or hybrid cycles for refrigeration systems. The aim of this paper ...
  • Lounas, A; Nait Bouda, A; Menari, H; Gabouze, N (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2013-02-17)
    Alkaline etching has been widely used in silicon technology and applied for different purposes such as damaged layer removal from silicon surfaces, micro-membrane and complex micro-device fabrication for micro-sensor [1] ...

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