The system of local government is a fundamental pillar of modern societies, most countries of the world are developing in its application, in the belief that his way of exercising its functions and duties towards the welfare of its citizens and society as a whole. We want to say that the system of local administration is a management method that divides the territory of the units with the concept of personality represented by boards of directors elected by its people to manage their interests, it is under the supervision and control of the central government. Algeria is among the many countries that depend on management, it combines with centralized management and decentralized, it takes as levels of territorial decentralization both the common and willaya. Local government is democratic, which must always be keen to maintain good relations with its officials or (public internal) with people (public external) beneficiaries of its services. It makes its information available facts and expressive on its activities and services, with many functions and tasks entrusted to the local administration in need of specialist assistance that has led and assisted in the performance their duties and conduct of administrative affairs and to better perform administrative tasks. He was assigned responsibility for achieving coexistence and understanding between the public internal and external local government, on the one hand, and to identify problems and the growing needs of the local administration, the other hand. This system is a public relations device that has the task to inform, interpret and explain the existence of public relations gives a positive response - both public of internal and external - is also to bolster confidence public in the units of local government and obtain the support of local public opinion, is a prevention tool for most local disturbances and a tool to correct numerous errors of the other later, and as a means to improve the image of management within and outside the local units and ensure stability and the indicator of its success. As a result of these and the importance of public relations in local government this study came to determine the