Afficher la notice abrégée Ziani, Lotfi Chaker, Abla 2022-05-25T09:02:35Z 2022-05-25T09:02:35Z 2017-02-22
dc.description.abstract Most of the energy produced and used in the world comes from fossil fuels. The combustion of these fuels cause the emission of significant quantities of greenhouse gases as well as different types of pollutants such as CO, NOx and other pollutant particles. The addition of hydrogen in hydrocarbons appears to be a promising way to reduce these emissions. Indeed, it has been demonstrated by several authors that the addition of certain quantities of hydrogen in hydrocarbons improves combustion performance (improves flame stability, pollution, etc). As hydrogen is a good energy carrier, its addition to hydrocarbons could be a good way for the introduction of renewable energies. In this work, we focus on the effect of hydrogen on two turbulent diffusion flames methane. The first flame is obtained with a burner coaxial configuration were the jet of fuel is in the center. The second flame is produced by a coaxial burner with a pilot flame. The role of the pilot flame is to maintain the flame. For the first configuration we compared the performance of three turbulence models (the standard k-ε, the RSM model and the modified k-ε) and the performance of two detailed kinetic schemes, the GRI 2.11 and the GRI 3. We do vary the volumetric fraction of hydrogen from 0 to 50% for this flame. Attention was given, here, to the hydrogen effect on the flame structure, the heat power produced, as well as to the effect on the production of polluting gases such as nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. For second case, we simultaneously vary the initial temperature, the ambient pressure and the hydrogen fraction. The initial temperature is varied from 290 to 600 K, the pressure of 1 to 10 atm and hydrogen volumetric fraction of hydrogen from 10 to 30%. We have noted that the addition of hydrogen in both cases causes a reduction of the radial and axial expansion of the flame with reduction of the reaction zone; It also causes an increase of the combustion temperature, which induced an increase in nitric oxide emissions. The increase in pressure causes a narrowing of the flame and reduces the effect of hydrogen. Finally, increasing the initial temperature causes an increase in the fuel consumption rate.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject combustion turbulente
dc.subject simulation numérique
dc.subject flamme de diffusion turbulente
dc.subject enrichissement par de l’hydrogène
dc.subject turbulent combustion,
dc.subject numerical simulation
dc.subject CFD
dc.subject turbulent diffusion flame
dc.subject hydrogen blend
dc.subject احتراق هائج
dc.subject المحاكاة الرقمية
dc.subject شعلة ذات إسهاب هائج
dc.subject تخصيب بالهيدروجين
dc.title Etude parametrique de la combustion du methane enrichi a l’hydrogene
dc.type Thesis

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