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Browsing Magistère (Mathématiques) by Subject "Fiabilité"

Browsing Magistère (Mathématiques) by Subject "Fiabilité"

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  • Djeniba, Hadjer; Boushaba, Mohmoud (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2009-10-25)
    In this paper, we presented a necessary and sufficient condition to compare the reliability of k-out-of-n system in the independent non-identical case to its equivalent in the iid case. A necessary condition is established ...
  • Mouy Mounia; Boushaba, Mohmoud (Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1, 2009-11-02)
    The purpose of our work is to present two methods of estimation, the rst one is relative to the estimation of the reliabilities of a system and its components from the test results on these, the second is relative to the ...

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