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Nombre de cycles limites des systèmes différentiels polynômiaux perturbés à centres linéaires.

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dc.contributor.author Debz, Nassima
dc.contributor.author Berkane, Abdelhak
dc.contributor.author Boulfoul, Amel
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T08:46:22Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T08:46:22Z
dc.date.issued 2022-02-03
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/8904
dc.description.abstract In this thesis we study the limit cycles of two classes of ordinary differential syst`ems depending of small parameter. Using a theorem of first and second order averaging theory we transform the study of limit cycles of ordinary differential systems to the study of non-degenerate zeros of an algebraic systems. The first class deals with the generalized polynomial differential system of the form : x ˙ = y − ε(g11(x) + f11(x)y) − ε2(g12(x) + f12(x)y), y ˙ = −x − ε(g21(x) + f21(x)y − p1(x)y2 − q1(x)y3) − ε2(g22(x) + f22(x)y − p2(x)y2 − q2(x)y3), where fi,j, gi,j (1 ≤ i, j ≤ 2) and pi, qi (1 ≤ i ≤ 2) are polynomials of given degree. The second class is studied the generalized polynomial Kukles differential system of the form : x ˙ = −y + εl1(x) y2α + ε2l2(x) y2α, y ˙ = x − ε f1(x) y2α + g1(x) y2α+1 + h1(x) y2α+2 + d1 0 y2α+3 , + ε2 f2(x) y2α + g2(x) y2α+1 + h2(x) y2α+2 + d2 0 y2α+3 , where fi(x), gi(x), hi(x) and li(x), (1 ≤ i ≤ 2) are polynomials of given degree, di 0 6= 0, (1 ≤ i ≤ 2), α ∈ N and ε is a small parameter. This study is illustrated by examples .
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Mathématiques: Systèmes Dynamiques
dc.subject Système dynamique
dc.subject cycle limite
dc.subject systèmes de Kukles
dc.subject système polynomial
dc.subject théorie de la moyennisation
dc.subject Dynamical system
dc.subject Limit cycle
dc.subject Kukles systems
dc.subject Polynomial systems
dc.subject Averaging theory
dc.subject جمل ديناميكية
dc.subject حل دوري معزول
dc.subject جمل لكيكلوز
dc.subject نظرية المتوسط
dc.subject جمل كثيرات الحدود
dc.title Nombre de cycles limites des systèmes différentiels polynômiaux perturbés à centres linéaires.
dc.type Thesis

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