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Les plans bayésiens dans les essais expérimentaux.

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dc.contributor.author Bourezaz, Houda
dc.contributor.author Merabet, Hayet
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T08:46:04Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T08:46:04Z
dc.date.issued 2020-12-03
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/8891
dc.description.abstract The work presented in this thesis relates to the methodological problems which arise in the context of experimental tests, we have exposed the methods of the sequential analysis setting up to use it in the evaluation of experimental designs which allows to arrive at effective experimental plans. We are considering the use of the assurance method in the planning of clinical trials : In the assurance method, which is an alternative to the power calculation, we calculate the probability that a clinical trial will lead to a positive result, via eliciting a priori probability distribution about the pertinent treatment effect. In this work, we are interested to Bayesian prediction modeling to evaluate a satisfaction index after a first stage of experiment in order to decide to stop at the second stage or continue. We apply this method to Poisson and Gamma distributed outcomes in many fields such as reliability or survival analysis for early termination due to either futility or efficacy. We look at two kinds of decisions making : an hybrid Bayesian-frequentist or a full Bayesian approach. This work also made it possible to determine the effective sample size of an a priori parameter in a Bayesian model.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Mathematiques: Statistique Appliquée
dc.subject Distribution prédictive Bayésienne
dc.subject indices de satisfaction
dc.subject assurance Bayésienne
dc.subject approche hybride Bayésienne-fréquentiste
dc.subject approche Bayésienne
dc.subject analyse séquentielle en deux étapes
dc.subject essais expérimentaux
dc.subject résultats Poisson et Gamma
dc.subject taille de l’échantillon efficace
dc.subject Bayesian predictive distribution
dc.subject satisfaction index
dc.subject Bayesian assurance
dc.subject Bayesian-frequentist hybrid approach
dc.subject Bayesian approach
dc.subject two-steps sequential analysis
dc.subject experimental trials
dc.subject Poisson and Gamma results
dc.subject effective sample size
dc.subject توزیع بابيزي التنيئي
dc.subject مؤشرات الرضا
dc.subject ضمان باییزي
dc.subject نهج هجين بابيزي متكرر
dc.subject نهج باییزي
dc.subject تحليل متسلسل من خطوتين
dc.subject الاختيارات التجريبية نتائج بواسون و جهان
dc.subject حجم العينة الفعال
dc.title Les plans bayésiens dans les essais expérimentaux.
dc.type Thesis

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