Afficher la notice abrégée Meddour, Lotfi Zeraoulia, Elhadj 2022-05-25T08:46:04Z 2022-05-25T08:46:04Z 2020-11-12
dc.description.abstract The aim of the present work consists in a study of the equivalence of two chaotic dynamic systems and to examine and clarify the equivalence of the systems to the Lorenz system. For this purpose we had give several conditions for general forms of three-dimensional quadratic autonomous systems with two quadratic terms to be equivalent to the Lorenz system, as it has happened, for example, with the Chen and Lu systems that are particular cases of the Lorenz systme. By the results obtained in our work, we have distinguished three well-known systems equivalent to the Lorenz system.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Mathématiques: Equations différentiels et ces applications
dc.subject Système de Lorenz
dc.subject transformation linéaire
dc.subject équivalence
dc.subject stabilité
dc.subject chaos
dc.subject Lorenz system
dc.subject linear scaling
dc.subject equivalence
dc.subject stability
dc.subject نظام لورينز
dc.subject التطبيق الخطي
dc.subject التكافؤ
dc.subject الاستقرار
dc.subject الفوضى
dc.title Chaos, stabilité et coexistence dans les systèmes dynamiques.
dc.type Thesis

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