Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

Cristallochimie et interactions interatomiques des composés hybrides à base de fluorures

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dc.contributor.author Bouacida Sofiane
dc.contributor.author Amari ép Akkouche Samia
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T08:37:58Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T08:37:58Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-01
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/8643
dc.description 88 f.
dc.description.abstract The work presented in this manuscript was focused on synthesizing single crystals of good quality. The study of their characterization by x ray diffraction followed by a presentation of the models studied and the study of different molecular interactions. The structure of the first compound Bis (creatininium) hexafluorostannate (IV) has an alternation of cationic and anionic layers along the axis b, the cohesion of the structure is provided by hydrogen bonds types: N-H…F, C-H…F, C-H…N, C-H…O. The structure of the second compound Bis (2hydroxyanilinium) Hexafluorostannate (IV) can be described as alternating cationic and anionic layers along the axis a. The whole structure is held by a hydrogen bond network types : N-H…F, C-H…F, O-H…F, N-H …O. These are the two new crystal structures determined by XRD have been the objective of a study focused on the hybrid compounds consist of a complex hexafluoride tin as inorganic anion and an amino acid as an organic cation.
dc.format 30 cm.
dc.language.iso fre
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Chimie
dc.title Cristallochimie et interactions interatomiques des composés hybrides à base de fluorures
dc.coverage 2 copies imprimées disponibles

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