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Etude phytochimique et biologique de l’espèce Tetraclinis articulata de la famille des Cupressaceae et Synthèse d’aminoacides et de peptides thioglycosylés par couplage de Buchwald-Hartwig

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dc.contributor.author Ababsa, Zine El Abidine
dc.contributor.author Medjroubi, Kamel
dc.contributor.author Messaoudi, Samir
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-25T08:20:19Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-25T08:20:19Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-09
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/8081
dc.description.abstract Our work is divised into two parts: phytochemical part and organic synthesis part. In the phytochemical part we studied the Anti-bacterial and analgesic activities of Tetraclinis articulata species of Cupressaceae family; the results of the antibacterial screening showed that the butanol extract of the species studied has activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 (Gram +) and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (gram -), the test on the analgesic activity has proved that 'butanol extract of the same species has an important percentage of inhibition of pain. In the synthesis part, using the Buchwald-Hartwig mechanism 10 products was synthesized saccharides Coupling products with peptides, six products obtained derivatives of phenylalanine, and 4 products obtained from cysteine derivatives. The scientific value of this last part is the development of a new method to couple chemoselectively the function –SH of thiosugar with peptides, in presence of acid functions acid functions and amino function of NHBoc amino acid without altering (epimerize) the asymmetric carbon in position α of the acid and this in an ambient temperature and low time (green chemistry).
dc.subject Tetraclinis articulata
dc.subject Cupressaceae
dc.subject l’activité Antibactérienne
dc.subject l’Activité Analgésique,
dc.subject l’extrait butanolique
dc.subject mécanisme de Buchwald-Hartwig
dc.subject dérivés du phényl alanine
dc.subject dérivés de cystéine
dc.subject thiosucre
dc.title Etude phytochimique et biologique de l’espèce Tetraclinis articulata de la famille des Cupressaceae et Synthèse d’aminoacides et de peptides thioglycosylés par couplage de Buchwald-Hartwig

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