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As the Algerian cities, Constantine has experienced during the last decades a fast urban expansion, generating a deformation of the urban environment and a need for housing and public equipment. An urgent need to look for mechanisms helping to control the production of well-balanced urban space that meets the society’s requirements. This aim led to the commitment of the state since the independence by the adoption of urban policies to solve these problems.
However, these policies have proven their failure because of the non-care of the criteria and standards of the urban planning, until the arrival of the law construction (29-90) as an alternative with its mechanisms, like the PDAU and the POS. The latter –our work object- is considered as a preventive tool in its content, and a technical one in its application.
Despite the intended objective of this tool which is the urban organization, we can notice that it has deviated from its aims for many reasons, such as the long-term study, the political decisions or the unforeseen circumstances preventing its application…Which demonstrated the incapacity of this tool (POS) to create a capable framework for achieving a harmonious and an integrated development applicable in situ to face the problems of the society.
Hence our interest in studying this tool, to understand its real application through the study of real case studies (POS), the way how they are treated and the research of the factors leading to its complete or partial non-materialization. Solutions are to be proposed –according to our opinion- capable to end even partially the disrespect of the contents of the approved plans. |