dc.description.abstract |
Taher is exposed to three types of inondation , torrential inondation in troughs , plain inondation in the river terraces, and the urban inondation in the city, the main factors predisposing these inondations are heavy rain intensities and soil sealing that caused by the clay geological and urbanization, the hydro orphological approach allows us to make an inondation zones map.
The Risk of inondation become stronger in the cities , where the value of the stakes are higher because the population density is high. Taher City has experienced a strong urban growth between 1966 and 2008 when the rate of this growth has reached 8 %, historical analysis of urban sprawl allows us to highlight the logical about how there are the constructions in inondation zones who
that result by attracting many high level services and the communication.
Inondation risk management is based at the vulnerability by intervention plan who established by the municipality services, this plan make state material or humain resources in alert, without considering the formation of vulnerable people ,and about hazard management this management is purely limited by creating projects in the minor valley beds, without consideration of development political integrated the altitudes watershed. |