Archives Live as well as others centres of information a special dynamic
period never reached by past by using new information and communication
technologies (NICT).
Archives, which were considered as a special sector of administration and
history for a long time, are now open to large public (administration,
researchers, and different people).
The use of NICT in archival centres is a full success in many ways automation
of archival activities, digitalization of rear and important documents, the using
of new tools for research of archival information.
The NICT give archival centres their real place behind libraries and information
centres and open a new horizon with digital archives witch present a serious
challenge to archival family in her job as well as keeping the digital archives
which oblige her to coordinate efforts around the world in order to save human
memory caring over 4 thousands years b.j.c.
Algerian archives have suffered from many problems since the independence are
concerned by all the changes happening around the world these last years in
many ways – the care and the importance to give to the archives sector, material
and human means to bring, using international norms, using NICT to develop
archival work and to face digital archives challenge in good conditions.
Following all these rapid and deep changes and to be involved in the same time
are two necessary conditions for success and update.