dc.description.abstract |
The region of Cap Bougaroun is part of the Kabylie of Collo. Structurally the massif of
Cape Bougaroun is integrated in the Maghrebian chain; it belongs to the internal domain and more precisely to the base Kabyle.
The tertiary magmatic complex of the Kabylie of Collo is exposed in a metamorphic and
sedimentary complex that participates in the formation of this structural edifice.
The granites occupy a large surface of outcropping which cover almost the whole massif
of Cape Bougaroun, it is the ""pericuminous granites with cordierite"". These granites are of a clear color, often porphyroids. The essential minerals are: quartz, potassium feldspar,
plagioclases, biotite, cordierite and muscovite. Tourmaline, zircon, apatite and ilmenite are
the accessory minerals. |