Dépôt institutionnel de l'universite Freres Mentouri Constantine 1

تسويق خدمات المعلومات بالمكتبات الجامعية

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dc.contributor.author بن عميرة عبد الكريم
dc.contributor.author بن السبتي عبد المالك
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-19T09:58:31Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-19T09:58:31Z
dc.date.issued 2006-11-7
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/73
dc.description 210ورقة
dc.description.abstract Summarize This research task relates to the importance of marketing in the university libraries and its impact on the improvement of the provisions of services information which meet the user's needs some is their numbers or their diversities. On the methodological level this study made up of two essential parts, a theoretical part which treats various concepts of marketing by basing on the 4p marketing mix.(place, is produced, publicity, price) and a second part in the form of a practical study relating to marketing of the service of information: case study on the library of the university Emir abdelkkader of constantine. This study us A confirms the importance and the benefits of L application of marketing in the management of our university libraries especially in the determination of the user's needs with all their alternatives (speciality, level, language, supports, tool, etc..)et it by taking into account the environment interior and external of the library in order to be able to develop a policy of management compatible with the need for the various categories of users real or potential compared to the services of information. Lastly suggestions have summers proposed and this with an aim of making profitable the results of this research and of making them useful and beneficial for those which are interested in general libries and universities libraries particular.
dc.language.iso ara
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject علم المكتبات و المعلومات
dc.title تسويق خدمات المعلومات بالمكتبات الجامعية
dc.title.alternative مكتبة جامعة المير عبد القادر للعلوم الإسلامية نموذجا
dc.coverage 1 نسخة موجودة في قاعة المطالعة 2 نسخ موجودة في مخزن المكتبة المركزية

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