Afficher la notice abrégée Barour, Sabiha Zergua, Abdesselam 2022-05-24T10:16:25Z 2022-05-24T10:16:25Z 2015-05-03
dc.description 96 f.
dc.description.abstract Analysis of the beams responses has been the subject of many theories including Bernoulli's theory which neglects the shear deformation and the Timoshenko theory where these deformations are taken into account. This work aims to modeling and analyzing the behavior of a beam taking into consideration several parameters, mainly the slenderness of the beam, the support condition (Pined-pined beam, cantilever beam, pinned-fixed beam, Fixed-fixed beam) and the Young's modulus and their effects on displacement - rotations as well as the locking phenomenon due to shear. The modeling was done using the ANSYS software, and the obtained results were validated by comparison with those obtained from the beams theories (Timoshenko theory, Bernoulli theory, Friedman and Kosmatka theory) and those obtained by the analytical expressions of the strength of materials. Comparative parametric study was conducted. Many parameters were analyzed by different methods including modeling by ANSYS. It was observed that the displacements and rotations curves increase with the increase of the ratio (L / h). The curves obtained by Bernoulli’s theory, Friedman and Kosmatka and those of modeling by ANSYS are nearly the coincident with the analytical curve of RDM, except Timoshenko curve which is often different. Changes in the displacements - rotations values appear from (L / h = 4). The beam of Timoshenko gave results that coincide with other theories for (L / h ≤4); beyond this value, results become different with those of the other theories. It is the shear effect of thick beams. However, Bernoulli's theory is satisfactory for the slender beams.
dc.format 30 cm.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Génie Civil
dc.subject G.civil: Structure
dc.subject Théories des poutres
dc.subject théorie de Bernoulli
dc.subject théorie de Timoshenko
dc.subject théorie de Friedman et Kosmatka
dc.subject phénomène de blocage
dc.subject modélisation par ANSYS
dc.subject effet de cisaillement
dc.subject Beam theories
dc.subject Timoshenko's theory
dc.subject theory of Friedman and Kosmatka
dc.subject Locking phenomenon
dc.subject ANSYS modeling
dc.subject shearing effect
dc.subject نظريات الروافد
dc.subject نظرية برنولي
dc.subject نظرية تيموشينكو
dc.subject نظرية فريدمن وكوسماتك
dc.subject ظاهرة الإقفال
dc.subject النمذجة ببرنامج ANSYS
dc.subject مفعول قوى القص
dc.title Analyse de l’effet de cisaillement sur le comportement des poutres
dc.title.alternative Comparaison entre la poutre de Bernoulli et la poutre de Timoshenko.
dc.type Thesis
dc.coverage 2 copies imprimées disponibles

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