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Etude des convertisseurs statiques dédiés à la qualité de l’énergie électrique

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dc.contributor.author Djebbar, Mohamed Salah
dc.contributor.author Benalla, Hocine
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-24T10:03:33Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-24T10:03:33Z
dc.date.issued 2017-05-03
dc.identifier.uri http://depot.umc.edu.dz/handle/123456789/6060
dc.description.abstract This work evokes the problem of disturbances in the electrical network due in particular to the harmonic currents injected by the polluting loads, such as the static converters of the power electronics.This equipment absorbs non-sinusoidal currents, consumes reactive power and degrades the quality of the electrical energy.Consequently, two-level and multi-level MLI rectifiers are preventive means that preclude the propagation of harmonic currents in the networks and contribute to the improvement of the quality of the electrical energy. Providing users with sinusoidal source currents and almost unitary power factor, besides the work in medium and high voltage networks offered by these multi-level MLI converters through their topology. The performance of these means is considerably related to the used control techniques, namely direct current control or direct power control (DPC). So,there are the active filters of powers, used as curative means for the depollution of the electrical networks. The latter are only reliable if the strategies for identifying harmonic currents are effective and the filter control is efficient.These filters with multi-level structure also contribute effectively to the depollution of the network of medium and high voltage. As a result, the induction machine controlled by the bay of these two-level and N-level converters has shown a good behavior with regard to the disturbances created in the environment of the machine, such as thereduction in the amplitude of the motor torque oscillations and the sinusoidal shape of the source currents with virtually zero phase shift.
dc.language.iso fr
dc.publisher Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1
dc.subject Identification
dc.subject Harmoniques
dc.subject Filtres actifs
dc.subject Redresseurs MLI
dc.subject Convertisseurs multi nivéaux à MLI
dc.subject TH
dc.subject Machine à induction.
dc.subject Harmonics
dc.subject Active power filters
dc.subject PWM rectifiers
dc.subject PWM multilevels
dc.subject converters
dc.subject Induction machine
dc.subject التيارات التوافقية
dc.subject المصفيات الفعالة
dc.subject المقومات ذو تحكم بتعديل في عرض النبضة )MLI(
dc.subject الآلة الكهربائية الغير متزامنةالمقومات ذو تحكم بتعديل في عرض النبضة )MLI( متعددة المستوى
dc.title Etude des convertisseurs statiques dédiés à la qualité de l’énergie électrique
dc.type Thesis

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